22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Water fluoridation in Ireland

A good reader and supporter of the blog emailed on the subject of water fluoridation. 

To be honest, I know nothing about the topic [though such circumstances do not stymie your ability to confabulate on other matters - you think] so I would be delighted to have your feedback on the issue.

I do, however, remember the rate at which my childish/teenage teeth were whisked heavenwards by the Tooth Fairy decreased considerably when I discovered the art of brushing them, not consuming too many Spangles, and not putting sugar in hot beverages. 

So, with all that, we present the fabled Gombeen Nation floor to _______ .  


Ireland Is the Most Fluoridated country on Earth - If 98% of EU Rejected it Why do we Persist?

Fluoride has been in Irish water since the 60’s for better teeth- but it causes fluorosis (yellowing, pitting and weakening of teeth) - and more money is spent here on treating that than any benefit gained. Although meant to prevent decay, in reality it only delays it showing. So Irish children have good rates of dental decay at age 5 in EU surveys- but just as high or even higher rates at age 12. Some dentists will say Irish teeth are better since the 60’s – that’s mostly due to better education, hygiene and more people paying for dentistry.

Fluoridation had a suspect start in 1940’s USA - introduced NOT due to agitation by dentists but by the nuclear power/ heavy metal production industries. Fluoride is a by-product and expensive to dispose of. Spotting a tenuous link with dental health these industries lobbied for it to be added, instead to water. But there’s already naturally occurring fluoride in water-a tiny amount is all that’s needed for dental health. Fluoride works topically, not systemically, i.e. if you want you can get all you need from toothpaste. Shockingly when San Francisco stopped fluoridation the thyroid cancer rate went down 400%. (See the major site www.fluoridealert.org for USA/worldwide info on this and more).

FEW countries were duped into following the USA - but Ireland wanted a cheap fix for dental health. The Dutch banned fluoridation in their constitution- and other EU countries quickly abandoned it. BUT Ireland hasn’t wakened up to the dangers: shockingly, ROI has 40% more cancers of many types (thyroid, prostrate, pancreatic etc.) Than NI which doesn’t fluoride.

Here's scientist Declan Waugh in an IT letter of June 2012.

“Re article (“Calcium pill raises heart attack risk in women”, IT, May 24th). It suggests calcium in supplement form elevates calcium in blood serum, causing hard deposits on arteries. The substance which most affects calcium levels is fluoride, consumed in fluoridated water, provided to all in Ireland, the only European country with this dangerous policy (though Spain and UK do to less than 10% of population, here it is 80%).

Also, further research, in the Nuclear Medicine Communication Journal (Jan 2012), found fluoride the main factor in calcification of major arteries, including coronary arteries.

There is greater calcification of human arteries and increased risk of coronary disease with increased exposure to fluoride and higher fluoride concentrations in your blood plasma.

Shockingly Ireland has one of the highest incidences of cardiovascular illness in the world And we are the most fluoridated society on the planet (80%).

In 1961, Dr Feltmann’s 14 years research into fluoride (Journal of Dental Medicine) found exposure to it caused increased incidence of gastrointestinal problems, neurological illness , skin disorders and hypothyroidism- all now Widely prevalent among the Irish.

Disturbing HSE statistics show that over 770,000 people in Ireland suffer from neurological illness, the Highest incidence in the World.


Partnership for Change, O’Dohertys Road, Bandon, Co Cork.

A radio interview with Declan Waugh is on the new website 'www.thegirlagainstfluoride.com'. Aisling  hopes to get a court case going next year against the Irish Government. She’s already been on radio - the interviews are well worth listening to - get on to her site and show some support as Fluoridation is poison! It’s time we learnt the facts and followed our partners in Europe in providing safe fluoride-free water.

Just A Girl… The Girl Against Fluoride

Fluoride Action Network


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