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Well I finally managed to find my camera again. It was stuck in the bottom of a large box of crap that I hadn't been arsed unpacking. So anyway this means its time to let the brilliance start again. For everyone who has missed my utterly, amazingly, inane pictures....I'm back.
I have obscurely named the above picture "Some red berry things in a bush". Well I have a garden now so there are all sorts of new and wonderful things to take pictures of. The taking of this photo was amazingly difficult. Its been a couple of weeks since I have taken any pictures and I had forgotten what most of the little buttons did (there are only three). So it took a few tries before I remembered the little flower button. So I just clicked and this is what I got. Then I had to go through the bullshit of hooking the camera up to the PC. Then I had a nap for about 30mins. It was a nice nap and I had a weird dream that I was sitting in a deckchair in a tree.
So I played about with this shot in photoshop and made it look really crap so just started again and did some levels and said "fuck it, it will do as no-one really wants to see red berry things in a bush anyway".
EDIT: A special word of congratulations to Dolly, who noted the fact that the berries in the pic are not in focus. This is a very hard thing to do when they are in the centre of your picture. It took a lot of hard work to manage this. Anyone looking for lessons in how to do this should contact me on 1900 outoffocus...............
Well as I mentioned in my previous post I have moved home and this is a picture of it.
It was built in the 1930's and is worth a feckin fortune as it is in a very prosperous area. Thankfully the rent is pretty good. It could do with some insulating and crap like that but all in all is the perfect home. Its quite amazing how much different I am feeling since moving!!! Life is so much more relaxed and I am pissed off with myself for not moving sooner. I took a few pictures of my empty apartment and it is amazing how fast it became just an apartment and not home anymore.
Well I think this was a nice happy post so expect a rant tomorrow or the next day about Friday the 13th.........
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