8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Social Welfare Payments, Digital Signature, Department of Social Protection Exclusive

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Social Welfare Payments, Digital Signature, Department of Social Protection ExclusiveThe Department of Social Protection which deals with social welfare payments, have finally moved into the 21 st Century by introducing digital signatures for those persons claiming social welfare. Social Welfare recipients now have to sign on using a digital pad and electronic pen, this ensures that the person claiming social welfare is in fact entitled to the payment.The system is being introduced in social welfare offices around the country and it is expected that eventually all social welfare recipients will have to give a digital signature when collecting social welfare, including Child Benefit which is subject to significant fraud.The single greatest social welfare fraud in Ireland is Lone Parents Allowance, as it is estimated that up to 85% of such claimants are actually living with partners, however, social welfare inspectors are powerless to take any action in relation to this fraud that is costing tens of millions of Euros each year.Social welfare inspectors are being encouraged to use public information on the internet to monitor the activities of those claiming Lone Parent Allowance as many have posted pictures of themselves and their live in partners enjoying foreign holidays.

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